
Auto insurance Guide, Car Sport Finance

You should always begin with the Street division. The Full Concours division is simply out of control. Most of the people who enter at the Full Concours level need medication for obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

The head judge determines the increments that will be used for point deduction. Some shows deduct only full points while others deduct in 0.25 increments. As an example if a judge finds dust in your a/c outlet they may only deduct 0.50 points. The Northern New Jersey region of PCA goes all in with a 0.10-point deduction. Now that is truly obsessive compulsive.

How to Stop the Insanity: One way out of all this insanity is to have a racecar. Generally racecars are judged using something called the French system.  French concours rules rate cars on the visual impact they make. Some call it the Wow Factor. The car’s style and attractiveness is the only thing being judged. The judges form an opinion as to which racecar they feel looks best. It’s the most subjective of all judging standards but also the most interesting: It’s also the judging approach with the least amount of stress.